Easy to join

Kaiser Permanente provides the no-hassle way to better care. After you are enrolled, we’ll do all of this for you with a simple phone call.

Here’s what we’ll do

Help you choose your doctor

Great care starts with a great doctor. We’ll talk about the kind of primary care doctor you’re looking for, from gender and languages spoken to location and age. We’ll help you choose a doctor for each member of your family: pediatricians, ob-gyns, and doctors in family practice or internal medicine. We have 1,700+ doctors across the region, many of whom are recognized as top doctors by reputable magazines, and they practice in our leading health system.1


Help you choose where to get care

We’ll help you find a convenient Kaiser Permanente medical center near your home, work, or school — whichever works best for you. We have 35+ locations throughout the region, each with many services under one roof, so you get the care you need in less trips.


Make your first appointment

Whether you want to see your doctor right away or wait a few a weeks, we’ll help get you on the books. We can connect you with your primary care doctor, pediatrician, ob-gyn, and more.


Transfer your prescriptions

Even while changing health plans, you won’t miss a dose. We’ll put you in touch with one of our clinical pharmacists to quickly and securely transfer your prescriptions to a Kaiser Permanente pharmacy of your choice.


Register you on kp.org

We’ll help you create your account, where you can then access all of your health information and care. On kp.org, you can email your doctor, schedule and manage appointments, order prescriptions, check test results, print vaccination records, and so much more.


Walk you through the KP app

We’ll help you download, set up, and log in to the KP app on your iOS or Android device. It puts the power of kp.org in the palm of your hand so you can easily manage your care from anywhere. See it in action or learn more at kp.org/mobile.
Family member

Set you up to act for a family member

If you have minor children, or an adult relative who needs your help managing his or her care, this is a great tool. Use the app to manage the care of family members age 12 and under, children ages 13 to 17, and even adult family members (as permitted by law).


Walk you through the My KP Meds app

Get reminders to refill and take your medications, plus vitamins and supplements. This app links to your kp.org account to automatically load your health information — including current prescriptions.2

1 In the survey Best Health Insurance Companies of 2024 by Insure.com, Kaiser Permanente as a national enterprise is rated #1 overall among 70+ competitors—for the fourth year in a row. In the NCQA Commercial Health Plan Ratings 2024, our commercial plan is rated 5 out of 5, the highest rating in the region. The 2022 Commission on Cancer, a program of the American College of Surgeons, granted Three-Year Accreditation with Commendation to the Kaiser Permanente cancer care program. The Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group is the largest multispecialty medical group in the Washington, DC, and Baltimore areas and exclusively treats Kaiser Permanente members. Permanente doctors are recognized as Top Doctors in Washingtonian magazine (2024), Baltimore magazine (2024), Arlington Magazine (2024), Northern Virginia Magazine (2024), and Bethesda magazine (2023). In the HEDIS® 2024 report, we’re the top performer in 44 care measures—more than any other health care organization in the nation..

2 Available when you receive care at Kaiser Permanente facilities.

Questions before
you enroll?

Connect with a Kaiser Permanente pre-enrollment specialist by calling 800-324-9208 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday,
10 a.m. to 9 p.m.