Kaiser Permanente carefully selects premier hospitals to team with in taking great care of you.1 Find out who they are and why their care is better.
If it’s an emergency, go to the nearest hospital. If not, visit one of our Urgent Care centers.
Kaiser Permanente electronic medical records that are always up to date and accessible to your care team — even at the hospital
Permanente physicians and hospitalists available 24/7 to manage your care
Permanente hospital physicians who can coordinate with your primary care physician
Video consults with specialists
Quality of care that’s always carefully evaluated and monitored
Level of comfort and services that are physician reviewed and approved
Transitioning your care to home or a skilled nursing facility, including helping you manage prescriptions, physical therapy, and other needs
Feels better with coordinated care
Great experience for a busy guy
Can focus on her baby
Appreciates 24/7 access to doctors
Jayne was in a serious accident, and her family is very concerned about her care. Because Kaiser Permanente physicians are available 24/7 for our members, Jayne’s family doesn’t feel they have to “track down” caregivers to find out about her condition.
Mia’s having a little girl. She and her ob-gyn have chosen a Kaiser Permanente premier hospital known as one of “the best places to have a baby” in the Mid-Atlantic region. Knowing that it’s an award-winning hospital means Mia can relax during her delivery and enjoy the new arrival.
1Kaiser Permanente premier hospitals are independently owned and operated hospitals and are not affiliated entities of Kaiser Permanente. The continued availability and/or participation of any hospital cannot be guaranteed. Hospital addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Please see kp.org/premierhospitals for details.